Paper Tiger Document Solutions
In Gurnee, IL | 1101 Estes St

Preferred Partner

Why Paper Tiger?
For the last 20 years, Paper Tiger Document Solutions has enabled companies and consumers to securely and properly shred their sensitive documents in accordance with Federal and State guidelines. We make it easy, too. Here’s how:
If you’re considering other shredding companies, know this: Paper Tiger offers a level of security you won’t find with every document management solutions company.
Our Areas of Expertise
Paper Tiger is a AAA Certified member of the i-SIGMA. i-SIGMA is the international trade association for companies providing information destruction services. This means that every year auditors examine every aspect of our shredding process, from in-house equipment and containers to our mobile shred trucks. They also review our insurance policies and employee records (including background checks); inspect our alarm system and video cameras; evaluate how we handle incoming documents and access to our facility; and they verify that our shredded bales are sent to the paper mills that will remove the ink and recycle the paper. We even sign an agreement that i-SIGMA can pull over our tracks at any time for a surprise audit!
We’re known for our flexibility and top-notch customer service. If you need to conquer your paper jungle, please call us to learn more or schedule a pickup!
Areas Served
Chicago Metro and Surrounding Cities Plus Milwaukee Metro and Surrounding Cities